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Regular attendance is imperative if children are to make progress and take an active part in school life. Attendance at Coteford is carefully monitored. 95% attendance is considered to be satisfactory, however, any child who has attendance below 90% is classed as ‘persistently absent’. Children should only be out of school in case of illness or essential treatment. In line with the borough policy, requests for exceptional leave need to be put in writing to the Headteacher. If a child has attendance below 95% or he or she is in Year 6, the request will be denied and absence will be unauthorised.

Outstanding attendance is rewarded:

-  If a class has full attendance for a week, they will be awarded a non-uniform day.

- Any pupil with full attendance for the year is put in to a prize draw at the end of the summer term to win an iPad. 

*Please speak to us if you would like to discuss any concerns which are affecting your child's attendance.  We are here to help.
