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School Council

"We, the School Council of Coteford Junior School,

believe that every child has the right to be safe

and to have their opinions appreciated."


Our school council comprises 10 elected pupils, one child from each class, and is overseen by Mrs Irene Whitewick.  They meet on Fridays to discuss projects that they are interested in and that have been brought to their attention by any member of staff, pupil or parent.  At Coteford, we try to make sure that the School Council acts as independently as possible to ensure that any achievement and success they have is a result of their own efforts rather than that of any member of staff.  Twice a year they present an assembly to the school to show off their achievements.  This is a council by the pupils for the pupils!


'Pupils spoke positively about the work of the School Council in promoting good mental health.'



Recent successes include, bidding for money from Hillingdon Borough to buy new playground equipment and bidding again for money to buy each class a new set of wet play games.  School Council have also recently created a playground policy that aims to ensure that every child has a happy time in the playground.  This was written by the children with feedback from each class after every editing session. 


Their current campaigns are: the issue of dangerous and inconsiderate parking in and around the school at drop-off and pick-up time; keeping the school tidy, plus starting up a 'pupil voice' project.  We wait now with great anticipation to see their improvements! 
