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The Summer Reading Challenge

Dear parents and carers, 

You will have received a letter regarding The Summer Reading Challenge recently. The challenge encourages pupils to visit your local library four times over the summer and get prizes as rewards! It’s free. It’s local. Reading often and widely is the best thing you can do to improve your child’s performance at school. 

MyOn - our online library is also available to you over the break. These are the login details. Please make use of it frequently over the summer. Reading a real book and visiting the library is most certainly the best option but this online library is there for a rainy day… 


Go to and enter your login information:

  1. School Name: Summer Reads
  2. Username: SUM
  3. Password: SUMR123!


Click the Sign In button, select a book, and start reading!

Have a great day and happy reading!

Mrs Eckley 
